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Economics Crimes
Judges are Corrupt
Kick out your attorney, keep your fingers crossed and lead your ship. Be careful before your attorney serves you to them, and enjoys eating you.
As I see it,…
Corrupted Justice Systems and Authorities
Government corruption, has growing number of cases for countries -specially countries involves in war and/or political conflicts or crises- and local…
Corruption in Education Systems
Education is the backbone of any nation. No nation can prosper without education in this competitive world.
Education is a fundamental human right and a…
The Illegal Use Of Banks: Who Are The Real Culprits?
Banks are often used for conducting illegal activities, and such crimes fall under the category of bank fraud. Any crime which is done internally with some…
Growing Threat of Trade Based Financial Crime
Growing Threat of Trade Based Financial Crime, trade based money laundering (TBML) can be defined as the process in which financial criminals hide their black…
The Crime of one person ”Corrupted Officials” So What?
The Crime of one person “Corrupted Officials” So What? Given the expansion of multinational companies and globalization of goods and services, companies face…
Who Commits Financial Crimes and Why?
Criminals exist everywhere. You will find one in every city of every country. The reasons behind anyone committing a crime cannot be identified. A history of…
The Best Financial Crime Product and How to Use it
The increase in frequency of financial crimes and the respective counter acts are taking a new turn. The financial industry is faced with challenges that are…
Advertising Frauds Ruining the Internet
Advertising Frauds Ruining the Internet. Nowadays, a majority of businesses rely on the internet for marketing. Online marketing is an effective way of driving…
Ways Through Which Companies Can Prevent Holiday Frauds
The holiday season brings with it festivities and happiness. The list of things that a person has planned for the holiday includes everything but fraud. The…